发布时间:2023-11-20 23:05
2023年6月,我参加了一门NPDP(New Product Development Professional)产品经理认证课程,与产品开发专家一起学习。在这门课程中,我们学习了许多关于产品开发和管理的知识和技能。以下是一些代码示例和代码注释,展示了我们在课程中学到的一些内容。
# 定义产品需求文档类 class ProductRequirementDocument: def __init__(self title description features): self.title = title self.description = description self.features = features def print_document(self): print(Title: self.title) print(Description: self.description) print(Features: ) for feature in self.features: print(- feature) # 创建一个产品需求文档实例 prd = ProductRequirementDocument(Online Shopping App A mobile app for online shopping [User registration Product search Shopping cart Payment]) # 打印产品需求文档 prd.print_document()
# 定义产品需求文档类 class ProductRequirementDocument: def __init__(self title description features): self.title = title self.description = description self.features = features def print_document(self): print(Title: self.title) print(Description: self.description) print(Features: ) for feature in self.features: print(- feature) # 创建一个产品需求文档实例 prd = ProductRequirementDocument(Online Shopping App A mobile app for online shopping [User registration Product search Shopping cart Payment]) # 打印产品需求文档 prd.print_document()
# 定义市场竞争分析类 class MarketCompetitionAnalysis: def __init__(self competitors strengths weaknesses): self.competitors = competitors self.strengths = strengths self.weaknesses = weaknesses def print_analysis(self): print(Competitors: ) for competitor in self.competitors: print(- competitor) print(Strengths: ) for strength in self.strengths: print(- strength) print(Weaknesses: ) for weakness in self.weaknesses: print(- weakness) # 创建一个市场竞争分析实例 mca = MarketCompetitionAnalysis([Amazon eBay Walmart] [Wide product selection Fast delivery] [High competition Lack of personalized recommendations]) # 打印市场竞争分析 mca.print_analysis()
# 定义市场竞争分析类 class MarketCompetitionAnalysis: def __init__(self competitors strengths weaknesses): self.competitors = competitors self.strengths = strengths self.weaknesses = weaknesses def print_analysis(self): print(Competitors: ) for competitor in self.competitors: print(- competitor) print(Strengths: ) for strength in self.strengths: print(- strength) print(Weaknesses: ) for weakness in self.weaknesses: print(- weakness) # 创建一个市场竞争分析实例 mca = MarketCompetitionAnalysis([Amazon eBay Walmart] [Wide product selection Fast delivery] [High competition Lack of personalized recommendations]) # 打印市场竞争分析 mca.print_analysis()